Acai Berry Side Effects and Benefits

There are tons of reported health benefits for consuming acai berry supplements. I want to go over a few quick benefits of this antioxidant food and then share the only negative I have been able to find. There is science behind this article and I do quote the sources so you can verify what I say.

Let's start by talking about the benefits of antioxidants like those found in acai berries. Antioxidants in our bodies help neutralize free radicals which can damage our cells and cause tons of other problems. Unfortunately, in the process of neutralizing the free radical, the antioxidant is consumed as well. This means that we need to continually replenish our supply of antioxidants.

\"acai Berry\"

When it comes time to replenish antioxidants, wouldn't it make sense to use most potent source of antioxidants? According to separate, independent studies, acai berries have been shown to have the highest level of antioxidants of any practical food supplement and have been shown to be absorbable by people. There is more research that needs to be done since this super-food has only been in the spotlight for the last few years, but initial tests have verified that it can be very beneficial.

Acai Berry Side Effects and Benefits

The main benefit comes from the antioxidant boost. You should feel healthier and have more energy. The acai berry is also high in fiber so you should also get the health benefits that go along with having a high fiber diet like regularity and possibly weight loss. If you combine this with a healthy diet and exercise program, you should see really good results when you step on the scale.  

As far as acai berry side effects, the main thing I have been able to find is reported cases of loss of appetite. If you are looking for a weight loss supplement, this would make it ideal. However, if you are underweight or want to gain weight, this may be the wrong thing for you. The biggest thing is to make sure you are aware of this potential so you can be prepared if it happens to you. There is also a small possibility that you could be allergic to acai berries, but this can be said for virtually any food or supplement so you should always try new things in a controlled way. I verified on WebMD that there aren't any known side effects except for the possibility of allergy. For me, I can live with these side effects.

The information shared above was primarily gathered from Science Daily website at which indicates that the antioxidants in acai are absorbable by humans and the Orac Values website at which indicates the acai berry is surpassed only by 5 spices and grasses which are not really consumable as a dietary supplement.

Acai Berry Side Effects and Benefits

Learn more about acai berries at the Acai Berry Pill Information website or acai berry health benefits at the Acai Berry Health Benefits website.

Before starting any diet or exercise program, check with your doctor to make sure you don't have any health related issues that would prevent you from safely dieting or exercising.